Service Ministry.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

  • Stack of canned goods

    Princeton Pantry

    We support the pantry with both non-perishable food items and monetary donations through three food-drives throughout the year.

  • Immanuel Volunteers participating in God's work.

    God’s Work, Our Hands

    Volunteers gather together to work in our community once a year, early September, helping others in need through a variety of service projects.

  • Drone photo of downtown Princeton, MN.

    Day of Kindness

    The first Saturday in August each year, churches in our community and local businesses team together to help those in need within the community.

  • photo of hands in service to homebound seniors.


    volunteers from Immanuel and other churches deliver meals to homebound seniors in the community.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Volunteers from Immanuel partner with other churches to collect toys and other items to pack into shoeboxes and sent out to children in need throughout the world.