Volunteer led. Faith Driven… and under construction.
Governance Structure
Church Council
Appointed congregation members elected to assume responsibility with and assist the pastor in spiritual guidance and in such practical matters as the handling of church property and the collection and distribution of money for benevolences
Each committee is in charge of a certain aspect or interest area within the church. Committees submit project proposals to either the church council, or congregation proper, for final approval to ensure the end goals are in line with our mission.
Every year we are required to hold an annual meeting where reports are communicated, decisions are made, and members are encouraged to participate in active dialogue with those who have been charged with the care of our church.

Our Committees
Youth and Family Ministry Committee
Youth and Family Ministry Committee oversee and help to plan and implement the programs, activities, and events related to children, youth, and their families. Such programs include Children in Action (grades K-3), Club 4-5 (grades 4-5), Living IT (grades 6-8 ), Living IT Senior High (grades 9-12) and related activities and events for each age group.
Mission and Outreach Committee
Mission and Outreach Committee is involved with the ministry of reaching out to others primarily outside the doors of the church building, such as, food drives to help provide for the Princeton Pantry, God’s Work Our Hands Sunday, Day of Kindness, Rum River Days Parade, Giving Tree, Community Care Committee, and more.
Hospitality Committee
Hospitality Committee is involved with the ministry of welcoming those who come through the doors of the church, which includes, greeters, Welcome Center hosts, New Member packets, Sunday morning coffee hour, some social events, and visitor follow-up.
Facilities and Property Committee
Facilities and Property Committee oversee the ongoing maintenance and repair of the building and grounds with the coordination of our custodian, housekeeper, and many volunteers. The committee also works together with the church office to manage the use of the building for both inside and outside groups.
Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Committee coordinates the fall stewardship campaign and the year-round education of stewardship practices of the giving of time, talents, and money as well as the stewardship of creation.
Finance Committee
Finance Committee works together with the Council Treasurer and the church Bookkeeper in the overall finances of the congregation in its offering and spending as well as the annual budgeting process.
Technology Committee
Technology Committee oversees all things having to do with technology in the church, from office computers to the sanctuary sound and projection systems. The committee also helps to coordinate volunteers and professional “outside” technicians for the running and maintenance of all technology equipment.
Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee is comprised of two outgoing church council members and four members at-large. The committee prayerfully considers those who could serve in positions of leadership on Council, Trust Fund, and Audit Committee, secures the names who would be willing to serve on one of these listed and include them in the slate of nominees to be voted on at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation.
Audit Committee
Audit Committee oversees the auditing of the financial books and all other areas pertaining to the business of the church, including personnel files and other records on a yearly basis.